Cycle tourism circuits


Distance: 7,5 km; 
Trail grade: 26.2%; 
Trail average: 8,5%; 
Elevation difference:
 350 m; 
Difficulty level: Difficult


Distance: 22 km; 
Trail grade: 30%; 
Trail average: 7%; 
Elevation difference: 450 m; 
Difficulty level: Difficult


Distance: 16,7%; 
Trail grade: 3%; 
Ellevation difference: 250 m; 
Difficulty level: Medium

Rent a bike from us and start exploring Maramures!

local guide

We offer personalized tours in Maramures, either on foot or by bike. We collaborate with local guides who will present you the archaic and so beautiful world of Maramures.

unique destinations

De la bisericile de lemn care fac parte din patrimoniul UNESCO, continuand cu vestitul Cimitir Vesel si Muzeul Satului, in Maramures pasesti intr-o lume de basm a simplitatii arhaice.

tourist routes

The Maramures heritage road, guided visits to protected areas, cycle tours, wildlife observation are just some of the tourist routes.


Discover the civilization of wood - the living heritage of Maramures, discover the things loaded with history that local craftsmen and artisans make.

Discover the wonderful land of Maramures!